Blogs > Lighten Up with Kate

34-year-old Kate Bloom, of Willoughby, has plenty of support in her journey to get healthy. She wants to get back to being the active person she was as a youngster.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Paying the Piper

I allowed myself some beer and corned beef over the weekend for St. Patrick’s day.  Let’s be honest, I pretty much gave myself the green light to eat and drink anything and everything.  When I weighed in on Monday I was up two pounds.  It’s interesting how difficult it is to take the weight off and how easy it is to put it right back on. 

I knew I would have to pay for a “free” day, so that is what I did.  I am happy to report that I have lost the two pounds and am down one more.  There are about two more weeks before the next weigh-in and I am planning on keeping things in line.  I plan on hitting the gym hard and really being very cautious about what I choose to eat. 




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