Blogs > Lighten Up with Kate

34-year-old Kate Bloom, of Willoughby, has plenty of support in her journey to get healthy. She wants to get back to being the active person she was as a youngster.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Step by Step

This weekend I took my stepdaughters  for a hike at Penitentiary Glen with my brother and his daughter.  It has occurred to me that I need to lead by example.  I can’t tell my stepdaughters to be more active or eat better if I’m not doing it myself.  They aren’t eating exactly how I am eating, but I have stopped buying all of the goodies and I think it’s working.  My stepdaughter Therese was looking for something to eat and picked up a piece of fruit that was sitting in a bowl on the kitchen table.  I think having it out and making it more accessible is the key. But back to our hike.  My brother’s daughter is almost 2 years old, so can’t hike all that much on her own.  So not only did my brother hike down and back up a bunch of steps (approx. 150) leading down to a waterfall, he did it carrying a 2 year old.  I guess I should mention that he also runs ultra-marathons, but still…pretty impressive.  I made it down and back up most of the way before I had to take a short break.  I think I will have to go back in a couple of weeks and see if I can conquer those steps.  I’m hoping to get enough weight off and get in good enough shape to run a 5k this May.    



Anonymous Sue Wank said...

Congratulations, Kate! Your blog is so motivating. I'm going to keep reading it, now that I found it. I'm off to the gym myself today. Recording my food and exercise really helps. I have to stay vigilant because left to my own devices...keep up the great work and I love the blog!

February 21, 2012 at 12:28 PM 
Blogger Carrie said...

Way to go Kate! Anytime you want to go hiking, let me know! I am all about hiking!

February 22, 2012 at 2:12 PM 

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